#1 Australian Beef Trading
Midlevel Corporation Pty Ltd is an International trading business established in 2019 that deals with the export of Meat products from Australia to a number of International destinations. Its success and continued viability is dependent on it providing a reliable service whilst providing its customers with the quality and quantity of products required.
What We Do?
Product Matching:
To match the raw user requirements with the Australian Meat standard language.
Purchasing & Sourcing:
To help the buyers to purchase and find the meats based on their country specific requirements
To help the buyers to get their purchased products arriving on time at their required port.

1010 Hindquarter1010
Hindquarter is prepared from a Carcase Side by the separation of the Hindquarter and Forequarter by a cut along the specified rib, at right angles to the vertebral column through to the ventral portion of the flank.

1500 Butt1500
Butt is prepared from a Hindquarter by a cut commencing at the subiliac lymph node passing just cranial of the hip joint to the ischiatic lymph node.

1552 Short Loin1552
Short Loin is prepared from a Hindquarter by a straight cut at the junction of the lumbar and sacral vertebrae to a point cranial to the tuber coxae to the ventral portion of the Flank. The Thin Flank is removed at a point cranial to the tuber coxae and approximately 50mm to 75mm from eye muscle and running parallel to the body of the vertebrae to the specified rib.

1601 Ribs Prepared1601
Ribs Prepared is prepared from a Forequarter after the removal of the Brisket and Chuck Square Cut. Short Ribs portion is removed at a distance of 75mm from the M. longissimus dorsi at the loin end, parallel with the vertebrae column to the specified rib. The body of the vertebrae is removed exposing the lean meat but leaving the spinous processes attached.

1631 Chuck Short Ribs1631
Chuck Short Ribs is derived from a Chuck and comprises of the ribs, intercostal muscles and the major portion of the M. serratus ventralis. The portion of the Short Ribs is determined by the required number of ribs as agreed between buyer and seller.

2000 Topside2000
Topside is situated caudal and medial to the femur bone and attached to the os coxae, and removed by following the natural seam between the Thick Flank and Silverside. The pizzle butt, fibrous tissue and inguinal lymph node and surrounding fat are removed.

2001 Topside Cap Off2001
Topside Cap Off is prepared from the Topside by the removal of the M. gracilis muscle along the natural seam. Fat deposits are removed.

2020 Silverside2020
Silverside is situated lateral / caudal to the femur bone and attached to the os coxae and is removed by following the natural seam between the Thick Flank and Topside. The leg end of the primal is cut straight at the junction of the archilles tendon and heel muscle. The attached cartilage / gristle from the aitch bone is removed.

2030 Outside2030
Outside is prepared from the Silverside by the removal of the heel muscle. The popliteal lymph node, surrounding fat and connective tissue are removed.

2040 Eye Round2040
The Eye Round is prepared from the Outside by following the natural seam between the Outside Flat and the Eye Round separating the two muscles.